Hello there! Come on in.

Me at a glance

I am an aspiring economist, barista, blogger, photographer, and book lover. I can play a couple songs with my guitar. A die-hard fan of the Weeknd and Kendric Lamar. I drink hot Americano and old-fashioned.

A bit of an introvert, a slow thinker, but an enthusiast when listening to people’s different points of view.

Born and raised in Banteay Meanchey, moved to the US for high school and college, and now working full time in Phnom Penh.

More about me

See my “About” page

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Here you can find all my latest posts. I like to write down random thoughts and opinions on different topics.


I love listening to podcasts, so might as well have one of my own. Recorded from my living room, I attempt to get people intrigued by talking about random topics from mental health, to economics, to philosophy, and sometimes things that don’t make much sense.

You can find my podcast on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Anchor. Just the type in the show’s name “For Real with Chhai Sun


Here you can find ideas/knowledge I think is worth sharing. Think of it as a learning resource.

Book Notes

I try to pick up my reading habit. The target is to read at least 10 books annually (quite ambitious). I’ll share my notes and thoughts on the books that I read.

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